In June Natural England designated the whole of the Langdon Ridge as a Site of Special Scientific Interest for the diverse mosaic of semi-natural habitats including unimproved grasslands, broad-leaved woodlands, ancient woodlands, mature scrub, species rich hedgerows and the richness of it’s wildlife and plant life. Basildon Council, as adjacent landholders, had an interest in responding to the consultation which followed the notification. At the meeting of the Leisure, Culture and Environment Committee today, the councillors were unanimous in their agreement that the SSSI status was to be welcomed.
Basildon Council work with the Essex Wildlife Trust and the Basildon Natural History Society to maintain and manage the land in and around the country parks. Dr Rodney Cole, the Society’s record keeper, spoke at the meeting and praised the cooperation between organisations to create Basildon’s own area of natural beauty. Much of the data used by Natural England to justify this designation was collected by Dr Cole through the Basildon Natural History Society.
Learn more about the SSSI designation
The meeting can be watched online here: