Our recent “Bluebell Walk” through Hall Wood and Lincewood on the morning of 29th April was set against the background of a beautiful sunny morning. It was well attended and carpets of bluebells were everywhere to be seen. In amongst them were spotted other species of plants such as the Yellow Archangel (garden and wild). A Jackdaw was also spotted in the overhanging tree canopy.
Yellow Archangel

Previously on the 28th April Colin’s findings at Marks Hill were, and I quote:- In Nore view I found Dog Stinkhorn and False Morel. The Ivy-Leafed Toadflax has appeared again on some old brickwork. It looks like the parakeets are nesting in an ash alongside the Hornbeam coppice. The False Morel is apparently deadly poisonous.

On another note a cuckoo was heard in early May whilst walking along Stanford Wharf; In previous years there was definitely at least two. There is still time for another one to arrive, we’ll wait and listen.