You are invited to join us for the 2021 BNHS Christmas Social at The Langdon Hills Methodist Church in Emanuel Road. The event will be held in the worship area which is accessed through the doors at the rear of the church.
Owing to the Covid restrictions on catering still in place we are asking you not to bring any refreshments this year. Tea, coffee, soft drinks, cakes and biscuits will be available using recyclable cups and plates.
Rod Cole will be telling us about his involvement with an exciting new nature reserve near his home in Somerset and will signing copies of his new book ” A Tribute to Langdon”. Copies of which will be available at the members price of £!2.99.
During the evening there will be an opportunity for you to show other members any wildlife themed pictures that have been taken since the beginning of the Covid lockdown, these can be either printed copies or jpeg files on a memory device.
The Committee look forward to seeing you there.