Sat07Jul201810-12amMarks HillOutdoor
Meet at 10am at the green gate and seat in Staneway. Nearby postcode SS16 5RN.
Parking will be inside the green gate - no parking allowed on the verge.
Sun02Sep2018DuskGreen Gate, StanewayOutdoor
Subject to weather conditions. Bring a torch. Parking is not allowed on the verge. This meeting is very weather dependent - if unsure ring Peter on 01268 523882 / 07434 226147.
Sat08Sep2018Sun09Sep20182pm-5pmDry Street Church Hall, SS16 5FPIndoor
Free exhibition. Refreshments Available.
Wed12Sep20188-10pmLaindon Community Centre, Aston Road, Laindon, SS15 6NXIndoor
An illustrated talk by Ken Adams.
Wed10Oct20188-10pmLaindon Community Centre, Aston Road, Laindon, SS15 6NXIndoor
An illustrated talk by Mary Smith.
Sat13Oct2018Meet at 11amCrowsheath Wood, Crowsheath Lane, CM11 1QLOutdoor
Joint meeting with Essex Field Club and Wickford Wildlife Society.
Meet at 11am at Crowsheath Wood, Crowsheath Lane near Hanningfield Visitor Centre.
Bring lunch if staying all day.
Wed14Nov20188-10pmLaindon Community Centre, Aston Road, Laindon, SS15 6NXIndoor
An illustrated talk by Chris Curran.
8-10pmLaindon Community Centre, Aston Road, Laindon, SS15 6NXIndoor
An illustrated talk by Chris Curran, with an opportunity to meet the Langdon Reserve Warden Josh Childs.
Wed12Dec20188-10pmLaindon Community Centre, Aston Road, Laindon, SS15 6NXIndoor
An illustrated talk by John Llewelyn-Jones.
Followed by members' Christmas social evening, with refreshments.
Tue01Jan2019Meet at 10amDelmores Car Park SS16 6 LROutdoor
The usual annual walk around Marks Hill and Hoppit Shaw.
Wed09Jan20198:00 pmLaindon Community Centre, Aston Road, Laindon, SS15 6NXIndoor
An illustrated talk by Chad Colby Blake, Essex Beekeepers' Association
Wed13Feb20198:00 pmLaindon Community Centre, Aston Road, Laindon, SS15 6NXIndoor
An illustrated talk by Peter Dwyer
Sat09Mar201910:00 amThameside Nature Park, Mucking Wharf Road, Stanford le Hope SS17 0RNOutdoor
Meet at 10am at the car park
Wed13Mar20198:00 pmLaindon Community Centre, Aston Road, Laindon, SS15 6NXIndoor
An illustrated talk by Dougal Urquhart
Tue19Mar20197.15pm for 7.30pmChrist Church, Gateway Service Road, Wickford SS12 9FWIndoor
Hosted by Wickford Wildlife Trust
Wed10Apr20198:00 pmLaindon Community Centre, Aston Road, Laindon, SS15 6NXIndoor
An illustrated talk by Simon Taylor
Mon06May2019DuskGreen gate and seat in StanewayOutdoor
Subject to weather conditions. Meet at dusk by the green gate and seat in Staneway. Bring a torch. Parking is not allowed on the verge. These meetings are very weather dependent - if unsure ring Peter on 01268 523882 / 07434 226147.
Wed08May20198:00 pmLaindon Community Centre, Aston Road, Laindon, SS15 6NXIndoor
Followed by a social evening and members' photo competition, with wine and cheese.
Mon03Jun2019DuskGreen gate and seat in StanewayOutdoor
Subject to weather conditions. Meet at dusk by the green gate and seat in Staneway. Bring a torch. Parking is not allowed on the verge. These meetings are very weather dependent - if unsure ring Peter on 01268 523882 / 07434 226147.
Wed12Jun20198:00 pmLaindon Community Centre, Aston Road, Laindon, SS15 6NXIndoor
An illustrated talk by Ian Mercer
Fri21Jun20197.15pm for 7.30pmWestley Heights car park SS16 6HUOutdoor
Joint meeting with Wickford Wildlife Society.
Followed by refreshments at Miller & Carter, High Road, Langdon Hills -
Mon01Jul2019DuskGreen gate and seat in StanewayOutdoor
Subject to weather conditions. Meet at dusk by the green gate and seat in Staneway. Bring a torch. Parking is not allowed on the verge. These meetings are very weather dependent - if unsure ring Peter on 01268 523882 / 07434 226147.
Sat06Jul201910:00 amGreen gate and seat in Staneway.Outdoor
Nearby postcode SS16 5RN. Parking will be inside the green gate – no parking allowed on the verge.
Mon05Aug2019DuskGreen gate and seat in StanewayOutdoor
Subject to weather conditions. Meet at dusk by the green gate and seat in Staneway. Bring a torch. Parking is not allowed on the verge. These meetings are very weather dependent - if unsure ring Peter on 01268 523882 / 07434 226147.
Sun11Aug201911am-5pmThe Green Centre, Wat Tyler Country Park, Basildon, SS16 4UHOther
Craft activities, badge making, natural history displays, wildlife walks, pond dipping & lots more! Free entry. More information »
Mon02Sep2019DuskGreen gate and seat in StanewayOutdoor
Subject to weather conditions. Meet at dusk by the green gate and seat in Staneway. Bring a torch. Parking is not allowed on the verge. These meetings are very weather dependent - if unsure ring Peter on 01268 523882 / 07434 226147.
Wed11Sep20198:00 pmLaindon Community Centre, Aston Road, Laindon, SS15 6NXIndoor
An illustrated talk by Essex and Suffolk Water on preserving and enhancing Hanningfield and Abberton Reservoir for the environment, wildlife and the benefit of local communities.
Sun15Sep201910:00 amDelmores car park SS16 6LROutdoor
A walk around Marks Hill, probably meeting up with our Work Party on the way.
Mon07Oct2019DuskGreen gate and seat in StanewayOutdoor
Subject to weather conditions. Meet at dusk by the green gate and seat in Staneway. Bring a torch. Parking is not allowed on the verge. These meetings are very weather dependent - if unsure ring Peter on 01268 523882 / 07434 226147.
Wed09Oct20198:00 pmLaindon Community Centre, Aston Road, Laindon, SS15 6NXIndoor
An illustrated talk by Graham Mee
Sat19Oct201911:00 amDelmores car park, SS16 6LROutdoor
Joint meeting with Essex Field Club & Wickford Wildlife Society. Meet at 11 am at Delmores car park, SS16 6LR. Bring lunch if staying all day
Wed13Nov20198:00 pmLaindon Community Centre, Aston Road, Laindon, SS15 6NXIndoor
An illustrated talk by Ray Cranfield
Wed11Dec20198:00 pmLaindon Community Centre, Aston Road, Laindon, SS15 6NXIndoor
With illustrations by Dr Rod Cole
Followed by members’ Christmas social evening, with refreshments -
Wed08Jan20208:00 pmLaindon Community Centre, Aston Road, Laindon, SS15 6NXIndoor
An illustrated talk by Chad Colby Blake, Essex Beekeepers' Association. Looking at plants, planting styles and pratises to attract pollinators and keep a year round interest.
Wed12Feb20208:00 pmLaindon Community Centre, Aston Road, Laindon, SS15 6NXIndoor
An illustrated talk by John Matthews. The talk will explore the adventurous life of Alfred Russell Wallace and describe an HLF funded project to make his role better known in Thurrock and beyond.
Wed11Mar20208:00 pmLaindon Community Centre, Aston Road, Laindon, SS15 6NXIndoor
Unfortunately this event has been cancelled.
Wed08Dec20218 PM to 10 PMMethodist Church Emanuel Road Langdon Hills SS166EXIndoor
You are invited to join us for the 2021 BNHS Christmas Social at The Langdon Hills Methodist Church in Emanuel Road. The event will be held in the worship area which is accessed through the doors at the rear of the church.
Owing to the Covid restrictions on catering still in place we are asking you not to bring any refreshments this year. Tea, coffee, soft drinks, cakes and biscuits will be available using recyclable cups and plates.
Rod Cole will be telling us about his involvement with an exciting new nature reserve near his home in Somerset and will signing copies of his new book " A Tribute to Langdon". Copies of which will be available at the members price of £!2.99.
During the evening there will be an opportunity for you to show other members any wildlife themed pictures that have been taken since the beginning of the Covid lockdown, these can be either printed copies or jpeg files on a memory device.
The Committee look forward to seeing you there.
Sat01Jan202210:00 amMarks' Hill Wood - Delmores car parkOutdoor
We are delighted to be able to report that we are holding our first traditional first New Year's Day walk around Marks Hill Nature Reserve since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Management work resumed in the reserve in September 2021 and much has been achieved by the dedicated band of volunteers, meadows have been cut, glades have been extended along the footpaths and work is just starting on coppicing in a area of woodland between Gladstone Road and the meadow. Please come and join us as we take a gentle stroll around the reserve, it's the perfect way to start the year.
Meet at Delmores car park at 10.am
Mon28Mar20227:30 pmCommunity Centre, 94/100 Hight St., Gt Wakering, SS3 0EJOther
Inter-society quiz hosted by Gt Wakering Group
Wed13Apr20228:00 pmMethodist Church, corner of Laindon High Rd and Emanual RdIndoor
A talk by Dougal Urquhart
Sat16Apr202210:00 amSt Marys and All Saints ChurchOutdoor
Meet at St Marys and All Saints Church at 10am for walk through Hall Wood to Lincewood.
Wed08Feb20238:00 pmMethodist Church, corner of Laindon High Rd and Emanual Rd
Speaker to be announced
Wed08Mar20238:00 pmMethodist Church, corner of Laindon High Rd and Emanual RdIndoor
This evening we shall be hosting the inter society quiz so if you are coming then please get there early. The teams involved are as follows.
2.Wickford Wildlife Society
3.Wakering and Natural History Society
4.South Essex Wildlife Trust Local Group
It should be a lively evening where the audience can also test their knowledge.
Wed12Apr20238:00 pmMethodist Church, corner of Laindon High Rd and Emanual RdIndoor
Josh Childs, Basildon Council Biodiversity Officer, will speak about ongoing work and plans for Basildon’s nature reserves and other open spaces
Sat15Apr202310:00 amMeeting in Delmores Car ParkOutdoor
Spring birdwatch in Marks Hill and Willow Park. Meeting in Delmores car park at 10am.
Sat29Apr202310:00 amSt Mary's ChurchOutdoor
Our yearly bluebell walk through Hall Wood and Lincewood. Meet at St. Mary’s Church at 10am.
Wed10May20238:00 pmMethodist Church, corner of Laindon High Rd and Emanual RdIndoor
Our Annual General Meeting, Glenn will circulate details after the next BNHS committee meeting.
Wed14Jun20238:00 pmMethodist Church, corner of Laindon High Rd and Emanual RdIndoor
After a short history of Marks Hill, our nature reserve, Glenn will be giving an update on what the work parties have been up to in recent years.
Wed11Oct20238:00 pmMethodist Church, corner of Laindon High Rd and Emanual Rd
The speaker will be Sue Goss from the Mill Meadows Society. She will be giving an illustrated talk on the history and management of the Mill Meadows Site of Special Scientific Interest ( SSSI ).
Please remember to bring your own mugs.
Sat14Oct202310:00 amDelmores car park
There will be an "Autumn Wander" around Marks Hill to see whats going on at this very colourful time of the year.
Wed08Nov20238:00 pmMethodist Church, corner of Laindon High Rd and Emanual Rd
Brian Dawson will give an illustrated talk titled "Pinnipeds (seals) and Me", which is also the title of his new book. This will be available at a very reasonable price of £5.00. Brian has led many seal and birdwatching boat trips around the Essex coast, camera always at the ready
Wed10Jan20248:00 pmMethodist Church, corner of Laindon High Rd and Emanual Rd
Terri Dawson will give an illustrated talk on her work with the charity The Wilderness Foundation
Wed21Feb20248:00 pmMethodist Church, corner of Laindon High Rd and Emanual RdIndoor
Speaker to be Jo Lomas from Bug Life, who will talk about brownfield sites, specifically the Canvey Wick, a Site of Special Scientific Interest and it's importance for invertebrates.
Wed13Mar20248:00 pmMethodist Church, corner of Laindon High Rd and Emanual RdIndoor
Martin Singleton will give a talk on the birds of Ecuador entitled Birding, Andes to Amazon.
Mon18Mar2024To be confirmedTo be confirmedIndoor
The annual Inter Society Quiz, this year hosted by the Wickford Wildlife Group. Details of the venue and time will be given nearer to the event.
Wed10Apr20248:00 pmMethodist Church, corner of Laindon High Rd and Emanual Rd
Speaker to be arranged
Wed08May20248:00 pmMethodist Church, corner of Laindon High Rd and Emanual RdIndoor
All members are welcome. Drinks will be provided but please bring nibbles to share. Printed photographs are welcome. If you have not paid this years membership fees you will be able to do so this evening.
Wed12Jun20248:00 pmMethodist Church, corner of Laindon High Rd and Emanual RdIndoor
Ian and Ross Mercer will talk on the "Geology of Essex" with emphasis on the Langdon Ridge. They will also have fossils for examination and handling.
Wed11Sep20248:00 pmMethodist Church, corner of Laindon High Rd and Emanual RdIndoor
Speaker to be advised
Wed09Oct20248:00 pmMethodist Church, corner of Laindon High Rd and Emanual RdIndoor
Speaker to be advised
Wed13Nov20248:00 pmMethodist Church, corner of Laindon High Rd and Emanual RdIndoor
Speaker to be advised
Wed11Dec20248:00 pmMethodist Church, corner of Laindon High Rd and Emanual RdIndoor
BNHS Christmas social evening
Wed08Jan20258:00 pmMethodist Church, corner of Laindon High Rd and Emanual RdIndoor
Speaker to be advised
Wed12Feb20258:00 pmMethodist Church, corner of Laindon High Rd and Emanual RdIndoor
Speaker to be advised