The Society maintains records of local wildlife. Some of this data has been passed to the county recording system maintained by the Essex Field Club, and the plan is to ensure that relevant information is lodged in that system. Similarly, specialist information is shared with the relevant county recorders as occasion arises.
Much work has gone into studying the flora, particularly of the Langdon Hills, and what was known as of the mid-1990s was published in Natives and Aliens. Subsequent records are being held, with a view to publishing a supplement at some point.
Bird-ringing at the Butlers Grove Reserve was undertaken during the 1970s by Vic Wiseman and Bert Shepherd, with the data being passed to the BTO. It is interesting to observe the changes in bird species encountered since the 1970s.
There is considerable interest in mammals, with particular attention paid to the local badger populations. This is coordinated by Frank Last and the Essex Badger Group.
Currently, some studies of small mammals in Marks Hill Wood are being conducted.
In 2012 a Dormouse study group is being set up, under the auspices of the Langdon Living Landscape, to establish the current fortunes of this elusive species in the area. Volunteers wishing to become involved in this group should contact Rod Cole. Application is being made for due training in the handling of Dormice, bearing in mind the need for such activity to be appropriately licensed.
Similarly, the work so far on bat populations has been limited, and there is room for detailed work here, using bat detectors.