A small group of dedicated amateur naturalists formed Basildon Natural History Society in 1968. Concerned about the rapid expansion of the new town and loss of wildlife habits they decided that the best way to help protect local wildlife would be by:
- Raising the awareness of the local community by means of illustrated talks, field trips and a regular newsletter ‘BNHS Bulletin’, that would keep members of the Society updated on local wildlife sightings and conservation issues.
- Recording the status of wildlife species, especially those that were most sensitive and vulnerable to loss of habitat.
- Becoming involved in practical conservation work by undertaking habitat management, such as controlling encroaching scrub in meadows, clearing rubbish from ponds and by installing bird and bat boxes in established wildlife sites.
And as huge oaks from little acorns grow, so the society began a journey that would lead it to become involved in many exciting and important wildlife conservation projects.